Friday, June 19, 2009

Big Stuff Is Happening Really Soon

So today I'm leaving for Manhattan for the rest of the summer. As I packed, my cat, Nicholai, demanded to be taken as a stowaway:

He's very persuasive, but I can't even begin to think how he'll fair with the heat of the luggage cabin. He'll be a cat-kabob by the time we land.

In celebration, my best friend Lauren ( took me to the Propylaeum for a last brunch. If you haven't been there, and are even CLOSE to the vicinity of Indianapolis, I beg of you: please go here. You will forever be enchanted by the intricate tea cups, elegant bathrooms and grand staircases.

Here are some pictures from the event:

And now I must go, because my plane is taking off without me and I must go catch it.
See you all in New York!

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